
Last updated: August 30th, 2024


The installation of JupiterMeet Pro is very easy and straightforward. This guide will help you run the bash script which will install and configure all the dependencies required to run the project properly on a clean Ubuntu 22.04 or CentOS 7 server. A basic knowledge of terminal is required.

Please follow all the steps very carefully. Once you have the dependencies installed, you can use the web installer to install the application from the browser itself.


Ubuntu 22.04 or CentOS 7 with minimum of 6 GB RAM is a recommended VPS.

Check out this link to get a cheap VPS hosting.

Automatic installation

Make sure the server is empty, otherwise it may create issues. Click here if you prefer the manual way.

  1. Upload the bash script ( and the application ( to your server

    Note: Place the zip and the script in same directory

  2. Set execute permission on script

    chmod 700

  3. Execute the script


Once the installation is finished, note down all the details it returns.

Application setup

  • Open in the browser
  • .env section: Follow all the steps very carefully and udpate the values as below
    • APP_ENV: local or live. Based upon where you want to setup
    • APP_KEY: No need to change
    • APP_DEBUG: true or false. Generally, true in local server and false on live
    • APP_LOG_LEVEL: No need to change
    • APP_URL: Your application URL
    • Database
    • DB_CONNECTION: No need to change
    • DB_HOST: No need to change
    • DB_PORT: No need to change
    • DB_DATABASE: Database name that you created in the above step
    • DB_USERNAME: Database username
    • DB_PASSWORD: Database password
    • Email
    • MAIL_DRIVER: Email driver
    • MAIL_HOST: Email host
    • MAIL_PORT: Email port
    • MAIL_USERNAME: Email username
    • MAIL_PASSWORD: Email password
    • MAIL_ENCRYPTION: Email encryption
    • MAIL_FROM_NAME: Your application name
    • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: Your email address
  • Please add qoutes if env variables have space in it
  • Click save and Install (Make sure you click 'Save .env' before clicking on Install)

Turn on 'less secure apps' from your Google account to allow the application to send emails

  1. Go to your (Google Account).
  2. On the left navigation panel, click Security.
  3. On the bottom of the page, in the Less secure app access panel, click Turn on access.
  4. Click the Save button.

Note: The application will send emails in the following cases,

  • Reset password
  • Meeting invitation
  • Signaling

    Navigate to the /server directory from terminal.

    cd /var/www/html/jupitermeet_pro/server

    Update .env file to match your requirements

    • KEY_PATH: Path to your SSL key
    • CERT_PATH: Path to your SSL certificate
    • DOMAIN: Your domain with https
    • PORT: Port to run NodeJS on
    • IP: Server's IP address
    • ANNOUNCED_IP: Useful when running application behind NAT with private IP
    • RTC_MIN_PORT: Minimun RTC port
    • RTC_MAX_PORT: Maximum RTC port
    • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your secret OpenAI API key
    • CHATGPT_API_URL: No need to change
    • CHATGPT_MODEL: ChatGPT model
    • CHATGPT_SECONDS: The number of seconds a user must wait before sending another message
    • CHATGPT_MESSAGE_LIMIT: The maximum number of messages a user can send during a meeting
    • CHATGPT_MAX_CONVERSATION_LENGTH: The maximum number of recent messages sent to ChatGPT

    Note: These last three settings are designed to prevent the misuse of ChatGPT.

    Run on live

    npm run live

    Run on local server

    npm run local


    Storage link (optional)

    If you see a broken logo, that means the storage link has not been created, use this command (from root project directory)

    php artisan storage:link

    Global Configuration

    • Login and navigate to the Admin > Global Configuration module
    • Here you can update application name, logo, theme color etc
    • Update the Signaling URL with your domain and port

    Payment Configuration

    • Enable payment mode from Admin > Global Configuration
    • Extended License is required to enable the payment mode. Updrade to the Extended License
    • Login and navigate to the Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways
    • Here you can enable payments and set payment credentials


    • Login into your Stripe account
    • Go to the Developers section of the Stripe dashboard and click on API Keys
    • Copy the Publishable key and Secret key in Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Stripe
    • From the sidebar, go to the Developers section of the Stripe dashboard and click on Webhooks. and Click on Add a new endpoint
    • On the Endpoint URL field paste your webhook URL, this can be found on Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Stripe.
    • On the Events to send field, click on receive all events, and click the Add endpoint button.
    • Copy the Signing secret in Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Stripe.


    • Login into your Paystack account
    • Go to the Setting section of the Paystack dashboard and click on API Keys

    • Copy the Secret key in Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Paystack

    • On the Webhook URL field paste your webhook URL, this can be found on Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Paystack.
    • On the Callback URL field paste your Callback URL, this can be found on Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Paystack.


    • Login into your Mollie account
    • From the top menu click on More and then click on Developers

    • Copy the Live API key in Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Mollie.


    • Login into your Razorpay account
    • Click on Account & Settings in the sidebar, the Choose API Keys Menu Option and click Generate Key button

    • Copy the Key Id and Key Secret in Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Razorpay.

    • Click on Account & Settings in the sidebar, the Choose Webhooks Option and click Add New Webhook
    • On the Webhook URL field paste your webhook URL, this can be found on Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > Razorpay.

    • On Active Events field checked Subscription Events and then save


    • Login into your Paypal account
    • Go to the My apps & credentials section, click on Live button and then on the Create app button.
    • Copy the Client ID and Secret in Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > PayPal.
    • Go to the My apps & credentials section, click on Live button and then select your app.
    • Scroll down to LIVE WEBHOOKS and click on the Add webhook button.
    • On the Webhook URL field paste your webhook URL. This can be found on Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > PayPal.
    • Under the Events types select All events and save your changes.
    • Copy the Webhook ID in Admin > Manage Payment > Payment Gateways > PayPal.


    To add a new language, Download the Sample English File from the Languages section in the Admin panel. After editing to your language, click on the Create button and add that edited file.

    When an update is made and more texts are added to the English file, download the sample as well as your language file, translate the difference and save it.

    Configure Firewall (optional)

    If Firewall is active, please open the below ports for signaling server.

    • 443 TCP
    • 9007 TCP

    Manage Processes

    Manage processes with PM2

    Manage NodeJS

    View running processes

    pm2 list

    Restart NodeJS server

    pm2 restart JupiterMeetPro

    Renew SSL

    Let's Encryt will renew certificates automatically but if you need to do it manually, use the below command.

    certbot renew


    • Make sure NodeJS server is up and running
    • Make sure frontend is pointing to the NodeJS server with your signaling port (9007)
    • If firewall is active, make sure the ports are allowed
    • If the application is running behind NAT with private IP, add ANNOUNCED_IP in /server/.env
    • Make sure the app is running on https
    • Make sure the SSL certificates are valid
    • Make sure no antivirus softwares are blocking the media device access
    • To reflect the changes, please clear browser cache or hard reload the page


    Create Meeting

    Query Params: api_token, title, description, password, date, time, timezone

    Method: post

    Returns: meeting details

    Note: api_token can be taken from the user profile

    Create User

    Query Params: api_token, username, email, password

    Method: post

    Returns: user details

    Note: api_token can be taken from the admin panel

    Google reCAPTCHA

    This feature adds an extra layer of security on the checkout page. Follow the steps below to setup Google reCAPTCHA.

    Email Jobs

    The application uses Laravel's Queue feature to send out meeting invite emails.

    Navigate to the project directory (/) from terminal.

    cd /var/www/html/jupitermeet_pro

    Run jobs

    pm2 start jobs

    Save the processes

    pm2 save

    Social Logins


    Navigate to the below link and create new project.

    Then click on OAuth client ID as shown below.

    Then click on "Configure consent screen", then click on "External". Fill up all the information.

    At last, go to the Global config section and copy Callback URL. Place it at the place of Authorised redirect URI, and click "Save".


    Navigate to the below link and click on Create App.

    Then follow the below steps,

    Fill out the below form and click on Create app button.

    Copy App ID and secret from the Basic section and paste it in the global config section.

    Copy Callback URL from the global config section, paste it below, and click on Save changes.


    Navigate to the below link and click on Create App.

    Then fill out all the information,

    Then choose Sign in with LinkedIn

    Click on the Auth section, copy client Id and secret and paste in the global config section. Finally, copy add redirect URL and paste it as shown below.


    Navigate to the below link and click on Add project.

    Then fill out all the information,

    Copy and paste the API key and secret to the global config section.

    Once done, click on the Set up button.

    In the next screen, set App permissions to Read. Set Type of App to Web app. Copy Callback URL and paste it to the App info section.

    Finally, copy the Client ID and secret and paste into the global config section.


    This feature allows users to use ChatGPT during the meeting. Follow the steps below to setup ChatGPT.

    • Go to this link and create new secret key as shown below.
    • Once done, copy and paste the Secret key in the /server/.env file. For detailed clarification of each configuration, please check the Signaling section above.
    • Note: To disable this feature, navigate to Admin > Plans > Edit Default Plan, then turn off ChatGPT in the Features section.